Can Worn Down Dentures Be Repaired

Worn down dentures are false teeth that have been damaged or have excessive wear over time, usually from long-term use. This can lead to poor fit, discomfort, and difficulty eating. Fortunately, worn down dentures can often be repaired by a denturist or prosthodontist. The repairs aim to adjust the shape and refit the dentures for improved comfort and function.

Can worn down dentures be repaired?  This is a common question for those relying on old, ill-fitting dentures. The good news is that in many cases, worn dentures can be restored to improve their fit and function. Through relining, rebasing, or other repairs, an experienced dental professional can give worn dentures new life. Patients are often pleasantly surprised at how much better their repaired dentures feel compared to the old worn set.

When dentures become loose, cracked, or have excessive wear over years of use, it generally indicates they could benefit from repair. Typical repairs include reshaping the dentures, filling cracks, replacing broken teeth, relining to improve fit, or rebasing to adjust their foundation. These targeted repairs can customize the shape and realign the bite. With a few appointments, the denturist can transform worn dentures into a revitalized set that functions almost like new.

What Are The Signs That Dentures May Need Repair

There are several signs that indicate dentures may need repair, including broken or cracked dentures, discomfort or pain when wearing the dentures, changes in facial appearance, difficulties chewing or speaking, the presence of mouth sores, bad breath or stains, and a loose fit. These symptoms indicate problems with the fit, structure, or cleanliness of the dentures that likely require adjustment, reline, or replacement by a dental professional.

Dentures Typically Last Before Needing Repair

Dentures typically last 5-10 years with proper care before needing repair or replacement. However, dentures older than 5 years often develop issues with fit and comfort. With regular dental visits for adjustment and reline, well-cared for dentures can potentially last up to 10 years before a replacement is needed.

Causes Dentures To Wear Down Over Time

Daily useChewing and biting force wears down denture teeth and materials over time.
Improper cleaningUsing wrong cleaners or methods damages dentures.
Poor fitIll-fitting dentures move around more, causing uneven wear.
Hard foodsRepeatedly chewing hard, crunchy foods wears down denture teeth.
AccidentsDropping dentures can chip, crack or break them.

Repair Options Exist For Worn Down Dentures

When dentures exhibit signs of wear, dental professionals can perform repairs, adjustments, hard reline procedures, or soft reline procedures to improve the fit and function. For severely worn or damaged dentures, a partial repair may be possible, but full replacement is often required after 5-7 years of use to restore proper fit and oral health. Regular dental visits can maximize longevity.

Worn Down Dentures Be Repaired Economically

Yes, worn down dentures can often be repaired economically, with the average cost of denture repairs ranging from $100-$500 depending on the extent of the damage. Simple repairs like replacing broken teeth or small cracks in the acrylic can usually be fixed in a single day for around $100-200.

More extensive damage like multiple missing teeth or ill-fitting dentures may require a reline or remake which costs $200-$900 on average. As long as the denture frame is still intact, repairs are typically affordable.

Typical Costs To Repair Worn Down Dentures

Typical costs for minor denture repairs like a broken tooth or small crack are approximately $100-200. More complex fixes like relining ill-fitting dentures or replacing multiple missing teeth generally range from $200-500. If the damage is severe enough to require an entirely new denture, costs are similar to the initial price of dentures, from $1000 up to $5000 for a complete set.

Cheaper To Repair Or Replace Worn Down Dentures

It is usually cheaper to repair worn down dentures rather than replace them entirely, as long as the base structure remains usable. Minor repairs average $100-500 while a replacement can cost $1000-5000 for a whole new set. Make Dentures Look Real, if damage is extensive and repairs would be temporary or uncomfortable, replacement may be the more cost-effective long-term option.

Factors Determine Whether Denture Repair Is Affordable

The main factors determining affordable denture repair are the extent of the damage, type of restoration needed, dental office fees, and insurance coverage. Minor issues like a single broken tooth can be inexpensively fixed for around $100-200 in one appointment. More repairs or complex procedures make costs add up. Those with insurance usually pay less out-of-pocket per repair.

Cost Of Repairs Outweigh The Cost Of New Dentures

At the point when a denture requires multiple repairs repeatedly over a short period of time, the cumulative costs can outweigh the one-time price of replacement dentures. Additionally, if damage makes properly fitting or wearing the dentures impossible and requires remaking major components, replacement becomes the more sensible route for comfort and function.

Repair My Worn Down Dentures

There are several criteria to help determine if repairing worn down dentures is worthwhile, including the condition and age of the dentures, cost of repairs versus replacement, and your personal preferences. As dentures wear down over 5-10 years, repairs may eventually become less effective, indicating a need for replacement. Discuss options with your dentist.

What Criteria Help Decide If Denture Repair Is Worthwhile?

Key criteria are the location and extent of wear and damage, adequacy of fit and function after hypothetical repairs, cost of repairs versus replacement, denture age and base material integrity, and your personal preferences. Dentists evaluate these factors to determine if less costly repairs can extend useful denture lifespan or if replacement is the better option.

How Do I Evaluate If Worn Down Dentures Are Still Functional?

Evaluate worn denture functionality by checking areas of damage, looseness or rocking of dentures in place, chewing ability, areas causing oral irritation, and ongoing capability to restore aesthetic appearance and facial support. If repairs cannot adequately restore fit and function, replacement may be the best option.

Dentist About Worn Down Denture Repairs

Key questions for your dentist are: can worn areas be adequately repaired, will repairs restore fit and function based on location/extent of damage, how long might repairs extend useful lifespan versus replacement, and based on denture age and condition what are your recommendations for next steps?

Are Partial Repairs An Option For Worn Down Dentures?

Yes, depending on damage location and extent, partial repairs may be worthwhile, such as replacing single damaged teeth or relining small areas to improve fit. However, multiple repairs may eventually compromise denture base strength and integrity. Discuss repair options and limits in restoring functionality with your dentist before proceeding.

Available Options For Repairing Worn Down Dentures

Available Options For Repairing Worn Down Dentures

There are several options for repairing worn down dentures depending on the extent of the damage. Minor chips and cracks can often be repaired using denture repair kits that utilize special adhesives to bond the pieces back together. More significant wear may require the dentures to be relined, which involves adding new acrylic material to the inside surface to improve the fit. Dentists can also reinforce thinning areas by building up weakened sections with additional acrylic.

What Methods Can Dentists Use To Repair Worn Down Dentures?

Dentists have access to professional denture repair systems to fix common issues like cracks, chips, and broken clasps. They can also perform relines to recontour the shape of the dentures for a better fit if gums have receded. In some cases, small sections of dentures can be replaced instead of making entirely new dentures. Dentists may also apply protective coatings to worn teeth surfaces to prevent further damage.

Can Dentists Add Material To Reinforce Thinning Areas Of Dentures?

Yes, dentists can add denture repair acrylic to worn down sections to reinforce thinning areas and restore structure. This is often done when the plastic has worn down significantly over the years of use. The added material helps prevent further breakdown while also improving the fit and comfort of ill-fitting dentures.

Is It Possible To Only Replace Sections Of Worn Down Dentures?

Rather than remaking whole dentures, dentists can sometimes replace single damaged teeth or small sections. This may be an option if the overall base and framework remains in good condition. Replacing only portions can save time and cost compared to fabricating entirely new dentures. Advancements in materials and fabrication methods now allow dentists to integrate replacement sections for a seamless repair.

Risks Of Continuing To Wear Damaged Dentures

Wearing damaged dentures that no longer fit properly can lead to a variety of oral health issues over time. Ill-fitting dentures put pressure on the gums which can cause sores, irritation, inflammation, and general discomfort. They also fail to provide adequate support for facial muscles which can cause a sunken, collapsed facial appearance. Damaged dentures also harbor more bacteria which increases the risk of infections, tooth decay, gum disease, and bad breath.

Problems Can Worn Down Dentures Cause If Left Unrepaired

5 problems that worn down dentures can cause if left unrepaired:

  • Difficulty chewing and speaking properly – As dentures wear down, they lose their original shape and height. This makes it hard to chew food thoroughly or speak clearly.
  • Oral infections – Severely worn dentures harbor more bacteria, plaque, and fungi. This increases the risk of tooth decay, gum disease, oral thrush, and other infections.
  • Facial collapse – Without proper tooth height and fit, worn dentures fail to adequately support facial muscles and structure. This leads to a prematurely aged, sunken facial appearance over time.
  • Sore spots and irritation – Ill-fitting, loose dentures rub and put too much pressure on the gums. This causes painful swelling, sores, irritation and inflammation.
  • Inability to properly clean the mouth – The looser and more damaged dentures become, the harder they are to properly clean. This allows more food debris and plaque to build up, furthering irritation and infection risks.

Ill-Fitting Dentures Impact Oral Health Over Time

Ill-fitting dentures rub and put pressure on the gums which causes gum irritation, swelling, sores, and general discomfort. This makes dentures difficult to wear. Ill-fitting dentures also fail to properly support facial and lip structure leading to a collapsed, sunken facial appearance over time. As dentures loosen they harbor more bacteria which increases the risk of decay, gum disease and oral infections.

Unsafe To Keep Using Worn Out Dentures

It becomes unsafe to continue wearing dentures when they are so worn down that they are loose, cracked, have missing teeth, or have developed sharp edges. Extremely worn dentures no longer provide enough facial support which impacts speech and chewing ability. Loose, ill-fitting dentures also make it difficult to maintain oral health which increases infections.

Signs Mean Dentures Are Too Worn To Be Serviceable

Key signs that dentures are too worn out to repair or relines include: missing multiple teeth, cracks or fractures in the base, loose fit that allows them to slide around the mouth making chewing difficult, sharp edges that cut into oral tissue, and excessive staining or calcified plaque indicating poor hygiene and high bacteria levels.

Dentist About Denture Repairs

Your dentist will visually inspect your dentures to determine the location and extent of any damage. They may also take x-rays or make impressions to further assess fit and function. Ask what diagnostic steps will be taken to fully evaluate your dentures’ condition before recommending repairs.

Diagnostic Process Is Used To Assess Denture Damage

To properly assess potential denture damage, your dentist will likely perform a visual inspection of the dentures, feel for rough edges or gaps, evaluate the bite alignment, and examine the fit against your gums. Additional tests like x-rays or impressions may also be used if needed to determine the best repair method.

Functionality Of My Repaired Dentures Compare

Ask your dentist how the functionality and comfort of your repaired dentures will compare to how they felt originally. Well-repaired dentures should function nearly as well as new dentures, but the longevity of repairs can vary. Inquire about any potential differences in chewing ability or fit you may notice after repairs are complete.

Material Guarantees Or Warranties Come With Denture Repairs

Repaired dentures may not last as long as brand new dentures. Check with your dentist to see if they offer any guarantees on the quality or longevity of denture repairs and if any warranty coverage applies. This can give you reasonable expectations for how long repairs may last before additional work is needed.

Frequently Asked Question

What Causes Dentures To Wear Down?

Chewing, improper cleaning, poor fit, hard foods, accidents, and normal long term use wears down dentures over time.

What Problems Do Worn Dentures Cause?

Worn dentures cause difficulty chewing, speaking issues, mouth sores, infections, tooth decay, bad breath, and facial structure changes.

Can Badly Damaged Dentures Be Fixed?

Severely damaged dentures with multiple cracks, missing teeth or warped base cannot be properly repaired.

Do Repairs Restore Original Denture Function?

Yes, minor chips, fractures, and wear can be repaired to restore proper fit and chewing ability.

How Long Do Denture Repairs Last?

Properly done denture repairs should last for years of additional use though some re-repair may be needed.


Worn down dentures can often be repaired, but there are limits. Dentures suffering from minor wear and tear, small cracks, or loose fit can usually be fixed by a skilled denturist. Procedures like reshaping, relining, or replacing broken parts can restore dentures’ appearance and function.

In conclusion, minor denture damage is very repairable, but extensive wear will likely require new dentures to properly fit and work well. Consulting a denturist helps determine whether repairs or replacement are the best option for worn down dentures. Regular dental visits ensure any issues are caught early when repairs are still possible.

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