Can You Get A Tongue Piercing With Braces?

Tongue Piercing With Braces refers to the act of getting a piercing on the tongue while wearing dental braces. In this case, the individual has both a tongue piercing and orthodontic braces on their teeth, which can present certain challenges and considerations.

Can You Get A Tongue Piercing With Braces? If you’re wondering whether it’s possible to get a tongue piercing while wearing braces, the answer is not straightforward. The presence of braces can complicate the process and increase the risk of complications and discomfort. However, with proper care and guidance from a professional piercer and orthodontist, it might still be feasible to get a tongue piercing.

Getting a tongue piercing with braces requires careful planning and coordination between the piercer and orthodontist. The orthodontist will need to assess the individual’s braces and determine if it’s safe to proceed with the piercing. Special precautions, such as using longer jewelry to accommodate the swelling and providing extra care instructions, may be necessary. It’s crucial to consult both professionals to ensure the health and safety of the piercing and the braces throughout the healing process.

Having Braces Affect Getting a Tongue Piercing

Having braces on your teeth can impact getting your tongue pierced. The metal wires and brackets in your mouth change the anatomy of the tongue area. This can make it harder for the piercer to correctly place the jewelry. It can also be more difficult to keep the piercing clean with braces installed.

Braces also mean there is metal foreign objects in the mouth during the piercing process. This has the potential to scrape or cut the tongue if unexpected movements occur. To help prevent accidental contacts, it’s best to remove your wire prior to piercing if possible. Then the area can be properly accessed by the piercer without obstacles.

Does Having Braces Make Tongue Piercing More Painful?

Yes, getting your tongue pierced with braces often results in increased pain levels. The metal appliances occupying your mouth leave less space and added pressure on the tongue. This crowding and tight fit can amplify any sensations you feel during needle insertion.

Having braces may also hamper your ability to relax your tongue fully. Tension or involuntary jerks could happen as the piercing is done. Increased tension in the muscle may magnify pain signals. For a more comfortable experience, consider pausing braces treatment to allow proper piercing and healing without extra mouth hardware.

Are There Additional Risks Of Infection With Braces?

Wearing braces provides additional surfaces in the mouth for bacteria to collect. The wires, brackets, and attachments are textured places where plaque can build up more easily. This extra bacterial load means there is more potential for infection near the piercing site.

Keeping the piercing extremely clean is vital with braces installed. Thorough brushing and rinsing after each meal is mandatory. Bacteria from the braces could delay healing or cause infection introduction if strong sterile practices are not followed. Be vigilant about cleaning both the braces and piercing areas.

Precautions Should Be Taken With Braces

5 precautions that should be taken with braces

  • Be careful of hard or sticky foods – Foods like hard candy, popcorn kernels, gum or other sticky substances can damage or dislodge brackets and wires.
  • Watch out for injuries – Be mindful of braces during sports or risky activities that could cause them to break or become loose from impact.
  • Avoid excessive pressure – Don’t bite down too forcefully on hard items or put too much pressure on teeth by improper brushing. This can bend wires.
  • Use wax on sore spots – Apply orthodontic wax to the back of brackets or tight wires to prevent cuts or irritation on the insides of lips and cheeks.
  • Schedule regular cleaning – See your orthodontist every 4-6 weeks for cleaning and checkups to monitor progress and catch any issues early. They can also adjust or replace broken items.
  • Proper care and precautions help ensure braces work efficiently and remain comfortable throughout treatment without issues. Let your orthodontist know right away if any damage or pain occurs.

Can You Still Wear Your Retainer After Tongue Piercing?

Yes, a retainer is generally safe to wear after your tongue piercing has fully healed. It may take 4 to 6 weeks for the skin to close around the jewelry and for swelling and soreness to entirely subside. Once past initial healing, Eat Rice Crispy Treats With Braces a plastic retainer should not cause new issues.

Be sure to continue diligent cleaning to keep bacteria at bay. Rinse mouth after wearing the retainer and cleaning it thoroughly with an antibacterial solution before reuse. Check for any signs of tenderness, redness or discharge which could signal an issue. With care, a tongue piercing and retainer can often coexist without conflict.

Orthodontist About Braces and Tongue Piercing

Orthodontist About Braces and Tongue Piercing

Before getting your tongue pierced, it’s important to consult with your orthodontist. They can help determine the best timing and offer treatment-specific advice. Be sure to inquire about whether a piercing may interfere with planned braces movements or adjustment appointments. Honestly discuss your piercing plans.

Most orthodontists recommend completing braces treatment before piercing. Still, some may allow piercings if timing supports healing without halting progress. Ask your provider for their professional opinion based on your unique case. Follow any instructions they provide to protect your oral health investment. Open communication applies for any jewelry changes too.

Will A Tongue Piercing Interfere With Braces Treatment?

A tongue piercing does have potential to temporarily interfere with braces treatment progress. Pushing, pulling or rotating of teeth are common next steps after initial installation. Swelling or pain from a new piercing could prevent proper wear of elastics, wires or other devices required. Discomfort may discourage full cooperation with orthodontic instructions too.

Most professionals advise completing braces before piercing to avoid adding an unnecessary difficulty or delay. Healing takes focus and could impact things like chewing, speaking and overall mouth comfort during a critical treatment phase. Waiting eliminates one source of interference for best results.

Can I Still Wear My Tongue Ring While Wearing Braces?

In general, it is safe to wear a tongue ring during most of the healing phase once braces are fully installed. However, avoid wearing it non-stop which could prolong swelling or irritate the piercing channel. Limit wear to a few hours daily at most for the first couple weeks.

Be extremely vigilant about oral hygiene and rinsing the entire mouth thoroughly when removing or cleaning the ring. Bacteria from the braces could more easily be transmitted to the vulnerable piercing site otherwise. High quality jewelry material like implant grade stainless steel or titanium minimizes risk further. Always report any issues promptly.

What Are My Orthodontist’s Recommendations On Timing?

Your orthodontist will offer the most knowledgeable advice specific to your braces treatment schedule and remaining treatment length. Every case has unique considerations. Some may find 3 months from braces completion to piercing to allow for retention and stabilization. Others suggest waiting 6 months or more to be safest.

Ask your provider for their professional opinion on optimal timing in your situation. They understand factors like upcoming wire changes, needed space for adjustments and anticipated retention needs. Heeding guidance from the orthodontic expert closely involved ensures piercing occurs at a low interference point for continued braces success.

Do I Need My Orthodontist’s Permission For Tongue Piercing?

Getting sign-off from your orthodontist before a tongue piercing is highly recommended, especially if you still have braces treatment ongoing. Legally, most minors under 18 need parent or guardian consent as well.

Besides getting input on ideal timing, the orthodontist’s permission guards your treatment investment. It also protects the practice from potential claims should issues arise due to piercing against the provider’s guidance. Frank discussion with your orthodontist instills confidence all foreseeable impacts were thoughtfully considered before proceeding.

Best Time to Get My Tongue Pierced with Braces

Ideally, the optimum timing is after braces have been fully removed. This eliminates concerns about interference with treatment progress or prolonged healing. However, occasionally a brief window mid-treatment may work provided guidance from your orthodontist is followed. Always prioritize the timeline suggested by your provider.

Should I Wait Until Braces Are Removed To Get Tongue Pierced?

Most orthodontists recommend waiting until after braces completion to get a tongue piercing. Healing takes 4 to 6 weeks undisturbed, and difficulties could arise should adjustments be required. Without the physical hindrance of wires and brackets, piercing goes smoother with less swelling and no chance of prolonging treatment. Listen to your provider’s knowledgeable advice.

Can I Get My Tongue Pierced In Between Braces Appointments?

It may rarely be suitable to schedule a piercing between certain braces stages. However, care is needed. Check that at least 6 weeks have passed since prior adjustments, and discuss the procedure extensively with your orthodontist to obtain approval. Extra diligence with hygiene is also crucial in this timeframe.

How Long Should I Wait After Getting Braces Off?

Once braces are removed, most professionals suggest waiting at least a few months before adding a tongue piercing. This allows the gums and mouth to fully settle after treatment. Aim for 3 months as a general guide, though check with your orthodontist for their specific recommendation personalized to your case.

What About Getting Braces After An Existing Tongue Piercing?

In some cases, it’s fine to get braces after a tongue piercing is well healed, often 6 months or more afterwards. Make sure high quality jewelry material like implant grade stainless steel or titanium is used long term as these pose the lowest risk for new brackets or wires. Inform your orthodontist of the piercing history upfront.

Age Impact Getting a Tongue Piercing with Braces

Age issues depend on parental consent rules for minors as well as orthodontic considerations. Mature discussion should include all factors to ensure the proper precautions and timing aligned to individual readiness, anatomy and treatment needs regardless of biological clock.

Are There Any Age Restrictions With Braces?

While orthodontic treatment traditionally begins around the tweens and teens years, braces may occasionally be applied younger or older. Clinical need and self-care abilities matter most, not the calendar. Every patient’s situation deserves nuanced understanding from all providers involved.

Healing Work For Younger Patients With Braces

Rinsing after mealsRinse mouth thoroughly with water after eating to flush out food and bacteria.
Using antisepticApply a gentle antimicrobial solution or mouthwash to gums, wires, brackets a few times a day.
Soft foodsEat soft, non-chewy foods that are less likely to get stuck or cause damage when healing.
Avoid playDon’t allow younger kids to play with braces to prevent sores or breaks as mouth heals.
Comfort foodsKeep ice pops or soft frozen treats to soothe mouth as needed during healing from procedures.
Regular checkupsSchedule orthodontist appointments as usual to monitor healing and make adjustments if needed.

What Do Parental Permission Rules Say About Minors?

Consent laws regarding body piercings for minors differ by location but universally require parental or guardian sign off. Input from the entire care team inclusive of medical, dental and parental perspectives supports minors making choices aligned with development and treatment requirements over time.

How Do Orthodontists Address Maturity Levels?

Orthodontists evaluate multiple factors including maturity, responsibility and receptiveness to care recommendations on an individual level. Rather than focus on age alone, they consider demonstrated evidence a patient can properly handle added oral procedures or devices alongside braces. Cooperation matters most.

Braces and Tongue Piercing

Braces and Tongue Piercing

Some common queries involve optimal timing, pain concerns, oral hygiene and more. Having these questions addressed by qualified orthodontic experts provides the understanding needed for informed Personal decision making. Pre-piercing guidance helps minimize later issues.

What Are The Most Common Braces-Related Tongue Piercing Questions?

Top wonders include when is best to schedule it, hurdles wires may cause, likelihood of delayed treatment, managing discomfort and rigorous cleaning protocols needed with both in place. Reassurance from specialists helps navigate individual needs and scenarios with confidence.

How Do I Care For A New Tongue Piercing While Wearing Braces?

Beyond regular brushing and flossing, it’s important to gently rinse the piercing site carefully after each meal using an antiseptic mouthwash approved by the orthodontist. Use sterile gauze or a clean finger to wipe around brackets if needed. Seek medical help promptly for any signs of infection. Strict adherence is key.

Can I Switch Out My Tongue Ring For Different Jewelry?

Changing jewelry too soon risks irritation and setbacks. Best to wait 4 full weeks then only use sterilized, implant grade material approved by the piercer. Low profile, rounded ends minimize bracket touches. Monitor for issues and refrain from unapproved play or fiddling which could reopen wounds. Heal fully first.

When Will I Be Able To Eat And Drink Normally Again?

Most can resume usual eating at 2 to 3 weeks with care taken to chew on the opposite side. Hard, super hot or spicy selections may cause discomfort for a month. Wait 6 weeks for drinking through a straw and abstain from alcohol until the 8 week mark. Be patient and heed aftercare guidelines closely.

Frequently Asked Question

Can You Get A Tongue Piercing With Braces?

While it is possible, it is generally not recommended as the piercing can interfere with proper brace alignment and increase risks of infection.

What Are The Risks Of A Tongue Piercing With Braces?

The piercing jewelry could get caught on brace wires or brackets, making it difficult to heal properly or causing damage to the braces. It also poses a higher risk of infection.

When Should You Wait After Braces Removal To Get Tongue Pierced?

It’s best to wait at least 4-6 weeks after braces are fully removed to allow the mouth healing and reduce risks.

Can A Tongue Piercing Affect Brace Treatment?

Many orthodontists advise avoiding it as the risks of delayed treatment or compromised results are too great. It’s best to finish braces first.

Will My Orthodontist Be Okay With A Tongue Piercing?

Most orthodontists will discourage it due to risks of damage to braces, delayed treatment times, and higher chances of infections and complications. It’s best to consult your orthodontist.


It is generally not recommended to get a tongue piercing while still wearing braces. While it is possible, the risks of complications and damage to the braces that could delay or affect orthodontic treatment outcomes are too great. 

Problems like infections, the piercing getting caught or tangled in the wires or brackets, and interference with proper alignment make it ill-advised. Most orthodontists will discourage their patients from getting any oral piercings until braces have been fully removed and adequate time has passed for the mouth to fully heal.

It is safer to wait until after braces have been removed for at least 4-6 weeks before getting a tongue pierced. This allows time for the mouth to heal normally without risk of interaction between the piercing jewelry and braces hardware. 

Once braces treatment is fully complete, discussing any plans for oral piercings with your orthodontist first is a good idea. With their guidance on proper aftercare, the risk of issues can be minimized for those wanting to get their tongue pierced. Overall patience is key for healing and the best orthodontic results.

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