Can You Have A Tongue Ring With Braces After?

A tongue ring is a piercing that goes through the middle of the tongue. Braces are orthodontic devices placed on the teeth for correcting misaligned or crooked teeth. Tongue rings and braces are often not recommended together because they can interfere with each other.

If you have braces but really want a tongue ring, you may be wondering “Can You Have A Tongue Ring With Braces After?”. Getting a piercing while wearing braces poses certain risks like increased chances of infection or damage to the brackets on your braces. It is usually advisable to wait until after braces are removed to get your tongue pierced.

Waiting until after braces comes off allows any potential issues between the metal of the ring and wires of braces to be avoided. The mouth has healed fully from the brackets being removed, lowering risk of problems. However, it is always best to consult your orthodontist and piercer for their professional opinion suited to your own individual situation and needs.

How Does Getting A Tongue Ring Affect Braces Treatment?

Getting a tongue ring while wearing braces can potentially slow down your treatment. The bar or ball on your tongue ring could get caught on your braces. This may cause you to irritate or damage your braces. It could also lead you to avoid chewing or speaking, which is important for braces to work.

You run the risk of developing an infection from bacteria growing around your tongue ring and braces. Food particles and plaque can get trapped in tight spaces between the metal. This makes it easier for germs to multiply and cause issues like swollen gums or bad breath. Proper cleaning is needed to reduce these risks.

Can I Get My Tongue Pierced While Wearing Braces?

It is generally not recommended to get your tongue pierced while still wearing braces. Orthodontists believe it can interfere with the tooth movement needed for treatment. The swelling and irritation from the new piercing may also make it very uncomfortable to continue wearing your braces.

Most orthodontists will actually refuse to do any adjustments or appointments if they see you have a new tongue piercing. They want to avoid any risks of problems with your current braces setup. It is usually best to wait until your braces are fully removed before getting your tongue pierced.

Will A Tongue Ring Impact My Braces Treatment?

A tongue ring does run the risk of slowing down your braces treatment process. When you talk, eat, or perform other oral tasks, the ball or stud on the tongue ring could get caught on your braces wires or brackets. This could cause you to avoid or limit these important motions.

The extra presence of a foreign object in your mouth with the braces also increases your chances of developing plaque, tarter buildup or other issues. More cleaning is required but may be difficult or irritating. Accidents happen as well,  Eat Starburst With Braces so there is a possibility of damaging or dislodging your braces components from a tongue ring interaction.

What Do Orthodontists Say About Tongue Rings And Braces?

Most orthodontists strongly discourage getting a tongue piercing while wearing braces. They believe it can interfere with the tooth movements needed for treatment. Piercings also increase the risk of developing infections or oral health issues during orthodontic treatment.

Orthodontists want to avoid any risks that could compromise or prolong a patient’s braces treatment. This is why many won’t do any adjustment appointments if they see a new tongue piercing. Their main concern is completing treatment smoothly and safely for the best results. Once braces are removed, it’s generally viewed as a lower risk time for tonge piercings.

Can I Switch To Clear Aligners If A Tongue Ring Bothers My Braces?

If a new tongue piercing is really bothering you while wearing braces, an option is asking your orthodontist about switching to clear aligners. Aligners are removable and cause less irritation than wired braces pressing on the tongue.

However, switching treatments midway could potentially prolong the overall time needed for treatment completion. The orthodontist would need to assess if aligners can still effectively move the remaining teeth into place. Overall dental alignment may also be a consideration.

What Are The Braces Key Considerations For Tongue Piercing?

What Are The Braces Key Considerations For Tongue Piercing?

Some important factors to consider regarding tongue piercings and braces include the timing of getting pierced and how it may affect your retainer wear. Most orthodontists recommend waiting until braces are fully removed.

Healing times for tongue piercings can be several weeks, which means avoiding harsh foods or irritating the site. This may be challenging with braces in place as well. Be sure to practice good oral hygiene and see your orthodontist’s guidelines.

When Should I Get My Tongue Pierced Relative To Removing My Braces?

It’s generally best to schedule any tongue piercing at least a few months after your braces have been fully removed. This gives your teeth time to stabilize in their new positions after treatment. Gums and bite also need adjusting to the change.

Most oral piercings take 4-6 weeks to fully heal. Waiting until after braces avoids any potential risks to your teeth or irritation while wearing retainers. Make sure to check with your orthodontist on their specific recommendations for finalizing treatment.

How Long Do I Need To Wait After Braces Removal To Get My Tongue Pierced?

Most professionals recommend waiting a minimum of 2-3 months after braces are completely removed before getting your tongue pierced. This allows time for your mouth to adjust to the new alignment.

During the healing process for a fresh piercing, it’s easy to accidentally bite your tongue or irritate the site. Waiting a few months helps ensure your bite, teeth positioning and retainer use have been established without any ongoing changes. Fully healed gums are also important to avoid infections.

Can I Still Wear My Retainer If I Get My Tongue Pierced?

While a tongue piercing is healing, it’s best to avoid wearing your retainer at all for around 4-6 weeks. The retainer could rub or snag on the new piercing, disrupting the healing process.

Once fully healed, most people can continue retainer use normally. Just be very careful while inserting or removing it, and clean both items thoroughly to prevent trapping bacteria. Some find it’s less irritating to switch to a clear plastic retainer once pierced. Check with your orthodontist as needed.

What Precautions Should I Take With A New Tongue Piercing While Wearing My Retainer?

With a freshly pierced tongue, wear your retainer only as directed by your orthodontist and avoid wearing it at night while sleeping. Thorough brushing of both retainer and piercing site daily is important to prevent infections.

Rinse after each use with an antibacterial mouthwash. Be gentle inserting and removing your retainer, and never pull or tug on the jewelry. See your piercer if you experience pain, swelling or discharge that seems infected. Taking good care helps your piercing heal smoothly with your retainer use.

Does My Orthodontist Allow Tongue Rings During Braces Treatment?

Every orthodontist has their own policies regarding tongue piercings during treatment. Many outright ban getting pierced while braces are on. Some may allow an existing piercing if kept very clean. Your orthodontist knows your specific case and what could work best without risks.

Ask at your next appointment to understand their rules. Follow any restrictions carefully for your safety and successful braces treatment outcome. Don’t assume certain piercings are fine without getting approval first.

Should I Ask Permission From My Orthodontist Before Getting My Tongue Pierced?

Communication is important when considering any alterations to your oral health routine during braces. Whether you have brackets or clear aligners, a tongue piercing can still impact treatment.

Be sure to discuss your piercing plans respectfully with your orthodontist before proceeding. Listen to their reasoning regarding possible issues. Ask questions to fully understand potential effects on your case. With guidance, you may still get pierced later once treatment finishes.

What Are Some Orthodontists’ Policies On Tongue Piercings During Braces?

Many orthodontists have strict no piercing policies for patients with braces. They see it as an unnecessary risk that could interfere or prolong treatment. Others may allow well cleaned pre-existing piercings.

Clear communication on rules helps avoid issues. Understand these aren’t just about following instructions but ensuring your orthodontic care has best chances of success. Policies are there to prevent compromising mouth health during the treatment period in braces.

Can My Orthodontist Deny Me Service If I Get A Tongue Ring Against Their Advice?

Unfortunately yes, orthodontists reserve the right to refuse treatment if a patient demonstrates non-compliance. Getting pierced without approval shows disregarding their expertise.

While rare, orthodontists may terminate care in these cases due to safety and liability concerns. Their goal remains providing best results, not punishment. Proactively talking it over first promotes a better patient-doctor relationship and outcomes.

How Do I Maintain Good Oral Hygiene With A Tongue Ring And Braces?

Brush your teeth twice a day for at least two minutes.
Floss once a day to remove food and plaque between teeth and under wires.
Rinse mouth with antibacterial mouthwash after meals.
Clean tongue ring and surrounding area with toothbrush or cotton swab.
Remove tongue ring when brushing and flossing for better cleaning.
Visit dentist regularly for professional cleanings and checkups.
Change tongue ring if it becomes dirty or infected.
Avoid sticky or sugary foods that get trapped near brackets and wires.
Drink plenty of water to wash away food and bacteria.
Be patient, as it may take extra time and effort to keep area clean.

What Risks Are Involved With Tongue Piercings While Wearing Braces?

Potential risks include slower treatment from piercings getting caught in braces. This can prevent proper jaw positioning from chewing.

Piercings increase plaque buildup which harms teeth and gums if not kept very clean. Trapping food between metal raises infection chances too. Accidental damage could dislodge brackets or wires from tongue jewelry interactions as well.

Proper hygiene and following doctor’s advice helps manage risks if other oral jewelry is really needed during braces time. Many feel it’s just not worth causing issues or extending treatment.

Can A Tongue Ring Interfere With Or Slow Down Braces Treatment?

Yes, a tongue piercing poses risks of interacting with braces in ways that disrupt the process. Chewing and even just regular tongue movement inside the mouth could result in the barbell or ball becoming hooked on wires or brackets.

Getting caught interrupts normal functions braces rely on for efficiently shifting teeth. It may cause patients to subconsciously chew or speak differently, lacking full muscle activity and force mechanisms in place. Together, these factors can compromise and extend treatment duration.

How Can A Tongue Ring Potentially Damage My Braces Or Teeth?

Accidental clashes between the jewellery and braces components pose damage dangers. Sharp edges on rings or balls could cut or scratch enamel over time. Impact injuries may potentially crack or chip teeth as well during clashes.

The metal stud or bar meanwhile runs the risk of dislodging loose or broken brackets if it hooks appliances during common motions. This requires repair or replacement of dislodged braces material, setting progress back. Potential loosened teeth from damaged brackets pose their own risks too.

What Infections Or Oral Health Issues Are More Common With Tongue Rings?

Issues tend to arise from trapped plaque and bacteria around oral piercings like tongue rings. Common problems involve gingivitis from inflammation/bleeding gums. Periodontal disease risks increase as well if poor hygiene allows growth of harmful germs.

Other infection signs can include bad breath, foul taste, or a strange feeling/discharge at the piercing site. Left untreated, cases may become abscesses needing medical attention. Proper care daily mitigates such risks.

How Should I Care For A New Tongue Piercing When Also Dealing With Braces?

Gentle cleaning around both the jewelry and braces is key. Use antiseptic mouthwash/rinse after meals to flush debris. Be careful not to snag or pull on the new piercing while brushing or flossing braces.

Look for any signs of infection like foul tastes, swelling or unusual discharge. See your piercer if these arise. Ask your orthodontist about more frequent cleanings too during initial piercing healing phases for best oral health support. Taking extra precaution together supports smooth outcomes.

Can I Switch To Aligners Instead Of Braces After Getting My Tongue Pierced?

Can I Switch To Aligners Instead Of Braces After Getting My Tongue Pierced?

If you already have a tongue piercing, switch to aligners could work since they are removable versus fixed braces. Aligners may cause less irritation too.

However, you need an orthodontic evaluation first. Treatment has to focus on your specific case and what method best addresses your individual bite issues within a reasonable time frame. Both aligners and a new piercing require extra attention to hygiene as well.

Clear Aligners A Better Option Than Braces If I Want A Tongue Piercing

5 tips for why clear aligners may be a better option than braces if wanting a tongue piercing

  • Removability – Aligners come out which makes brushing, flossing and cleaning around the piercing much easier compared to fixed braces.
  • Comfort – The smooth plastic of aligners is less irritating on a fresh piercing than metal wires or brackets pressing against it.
  • Healing flexibility – You can take aligners out temporarily if the piercing is uncomfortable, but braces are fixed and don’t offer that flexibility.
  • Orthodontist willingness – Some orthodontists may be more open to starting aligners after the piercing heals versus trying to fit braces around it.
  • Hygiene supporter – Easy removal of aligners enhances oral care, while braces pose a higher risk of trapping plaque or irritating the piercing site.

In summary, aligners’ removability provides more flexibility, comfort and hygiene support compared to fixed braces. For those looking to get orthodontic treatment and tongue pierced, aligners may be the better initial option while the piercing fully heals. Just be sure any treatment plans are approved by your orthodontist.

Pros And Cons Of Switching To Aligners With A Tongue Ring

Pros are aligners don’t irritate piercings as much as fixed braces. Cons are aligners can be less effective than braces for some dental alignments. They may take longer to get the desired results too. you need to commit fully to strict wear schedules.

Orthodontists also generally prefer to avoid starting new treatments after oral piercings due to healing disruptions. Give treatment time to establish good bite and avoid potential piercing interference risks. Consider timing of procedures carefully.

Will An Orthodontist Be Willing To Switch My Treatment To Aligners?

It depends on the individual case and how much adjustment is still required. Orthodontists evaluate each patient’s specific needs. If aligners can still handle remaining corrections, some doctors may agree to the change.

Understand any switch restarts the overall treatment timeline. Iexpress your piercing plans respectfully for honest feedback before assuming a switch is possible. Following professional recommendations leads to best oral health outcomes.

How Long Do I Need To Avoid Getting My Tongue Pierced If I Switch To Aligners?

While timelines vary, most professionals recommend waiting 2-3 months after starting aligner therapy before getting pierced. This allows bite, teeth positions and chewing muscles to adjust fully to any initial alignment changes from treatment.

Healing a fresh oral piercing requires avoiding irritants like aligner wear for 4-6 weeks. Postponing until treatment is well established reduces interference risks. Checking with your orthodontist ensures the safest approach for each individual dental case.

Frequently Asked Question

Can You Have A Tongue Ring With Braces After?

You usually need to remove a tongue piercing while wearing braces to allow for proper cleaning and prevent damage to brackets and wires. It may be possible to re-pierce the tongue once braces are removed.

How Do I Clean Around A Tongue Ring And Braces?

Gently brush the tongue, rings, brackets and wires with a soft toothbrush or use floss or a moist cotton swab to remove food and plaque buildup. Rinse well with mouthwash afterwards.

Will A Tongue Ring Interfere With Braces Treatment?

A tongue piercing could prevent wires from being adjusted properly or cause sores if it rubs against brackets. It’s best to remove the ring during orthodontic treatment for faster and healthier treatment results.

What Are The Risks Of Leaving A Tongue Ring In With Braces?

Leaving the ring in could lead to gum inflammation, cuts in the mouth from the ball rubbing brackets, delays in treatment from inability to properly adjust wires, or infections around the piercing from trapped bacteria and food.

Can I Get My Tongue Re Pierced After Braces Are Removed?

In most cases, once braces treatment is fully finished, the tongue can safely be repierced if desired as long as good oral hygiene continues to be practiced to avoid future issues with the new piercing.


Interfere with treatment. It is generally recommended to remove any tongue piercings during the time braces are worn. This allows for the mouth to be properly cleaned around the brackets, wires, and attachments. It also prevents potential injuries from the jewelry rubbing or catching on equipment.

With diligent brushing, flossing, and mouthwash use, it can be possible to have a tongue ring again after braces, as long as all potential risks are understood and preventative measures are followed. Maintaining excellent oral care is key for health with any piercings or orthodontic appliances.

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