How Much Does It Cost To Get Braces Removed?

Getting braces removed is an important final step after undergoing orthodontic treatment. The process involves having an orthodontist carefully detach the brackets and wires from your teeth. Generally, patients can expect to pay between $60 and $250 to have their braces taken off. However, costs vary depending on factors like treatment complexity and insurance coverage.

How Much Does It Cost To Get Braces Removed? This is a common question for those nearing the end of their brace-wearing journey. After months or years of having brackets and wires shift teeth into alignment, patients are eager to be free of metal in their mouths. However, removing braces must be done properly to preserve treatment results. Prices for this procedure can range widely based on your specific case.

The process of getting braces removed is quick and ranges from 30 minutes to two hours. An orthodontist will thoroughly examine your teeth using X-rays to ensure proper alignment before taking off brackets and wires. Additional services like impressions for retainers may increase the final cost. On average, patients in the U.S. pay $155 for brace removal.1 Understanding exact expenses requires consulting your orthodontist.

Cost To Get Braces Removed

The average cost to get braces removed ranges from $75 to $350, with most people paying around $150 to $250. The final cost depends on factors like the complexity of treatment, location of the orthodontist’s office, and any additional procedures needed like impressions or retainers. Discuss expected costs with your orthodontist beforehand to avoid surprise expenses.

Average Braces Removal Costs

Braces removal on average costs between $75 and $350, with most people paying in the range of $150 to $250 to have their braces taken off. The typical fee includes the expertise of the orthodontist to remove brackets and wires and clean teeth. Additional services like retainers or teeth impressions may incur extra fees.

Factors Affect Braces Removal Costs

The cost to remove braces can vary based on different things. Here are some factors:

  • The type of braces used. Custom or complex braces cost more to take off.
  • Extra services needed. Things like impressions or retainers can add fees.
  • Location of orthodontist. Costs are higher in some areas.
  • Orthodontist’s experience level. More experienced orthodontists may charge more.
Type of bracesMore complex braces cost more to remove
Extra servicesAdditional services like impressions or retainers can increase fees
Orthodontist locationBraces removal costs more in some geographic areas
Orthodontist experienceVery experienced orthodontists may have higher removal fees

The cost is usually between $75 and $350 in total. But it’s good to know what makes the cost go up or down. Talking to your orthodontist helps understand the exact price.

Save Money On Braces Removal Costs

You can save money on braces removal by comparing prices between orthodontists in your area, avoiding offices that charge many hidden fees, Neuromuscular Dentures Cost using insurance or a health savings account if possible, and ensuring removal costs are bundled into your initial braces pricing package. Payment plans and upfront discounts for paying in full are other ways to reduce expenses.

Hidden Fees For Braces Removal

Potential hidden fees to watch out for when getting braces removed include charges for retainers, teeth impressions, missed appointments, broken brackets, and additional adjustments or visits needed after the braces come off. Discuss what is and isn’t included in the quoted braces removal price with your orthodontist ahead of time so you can budget accordingly.

What Is Involved In Getting My Braces Removed?

What Is Involved In Getting My Braces Removed?

The process of getting your braces removed is straightforward. Your orthodontist will use a specialized tool to squeeze and detach each bracket from your teeth. They then remove any remaining bonding material and adhesive with a dental handpiece. This polishing process is quick and causes little to no discomfort.

Orthodontist Do During Braces Removal

During the removal appointment, the orthodontist first checks if your teeth have properly shifted into the desired position. They then methodically detach each bracket from your teeth using pliers, followed by the wires. After all hardware is removed, they thoroughly clean your teeth to remove any remaining bonding glue or adhesive.

Braces Removal Process Take

The entire braces removal process typically takes about 1 hour. Detaching all the brackets and wires is time-consuming. Additional time is needed to properly clean the teeth afterward. However, some cases may take less or more time depending on the individual.

Braces Removal Painful

Braces removal is not a painful process. You may feel some pressure or discomfort when the orthodontist squeezes the brackets to detach them. The polishing process to remove bonding material feels more like a tickle. While your teeth may be sensitive initially, this resolves within days.

Anything Special Before Getting My Braces Removed

Before your removal appointment, thoroughly brush and floss your teeth and braces. This allows for quicker, easier removal of the hardware. You can also take over-the-counter pain medication beforehand if concerned about discomfort, however this is usually unnecessary. Otherwise, no special preparation is required.

Should I Get My Braces Removed By My Orthodontist?

You should have the orthodontist who put on your braces remove them as well. Your orthodontist designed a custom treatment plan and has been monitoring your progress, so they know best when your teeth are ready for brace removal and how to remove the braces properly. This ensures you get the full benefits of treatment.

Orthodontist Remove My Braces

Orthodontists have specialized tools and training to remove braces efficiently and safely without damaging your teeth. They also take final records like x-rays and molds for retainers after removing the braces to ensure your new smile stays put. Attempting to remove braces yourself risks breaking brackets and wires, injuring your mouth, and allowing your teeth to shift.

Move And Can’t Go Back To My Original Orthodontist

If moving makes it impossible to have your original orthodontist remove your braces, contact them first to have your records transferred to a new orthodontist who can then take over your case. Be sure to schedule an appointment promptly so that your treatment is not interrupted or extended unnecessarily.

Risks Of Getting Braces Removed Elsewhere

Getting braces removed by a general dentist or attempting removal yourself risks permanent damage to your teeth and undoing the progress made by your orthodontic treatment. Only an orthodontist has the specialized experience to continue managing your case properly through the removal process until retainers are in place.

Qualified Orthodontist To Remove My Braces

Search for licensed orthodontists in your new area through the American Association of Orthodontists website. Schedule consultations to find an orthodontist you trust to remove your existing braces properly. They will want to review your records from the previous orthodontist to ensure seamless continued care.

What To Expect After Braces Removal

After braces are removed, your teeth may feel very smooth and strange at first. Minor soreness is common too. Be prepared to adjust to the new feel. Within a couple weeks, your mouth and teeth should feel normal again.

Teeth Shifting After Braces

Some shifting after braces removal is very common without wearing a retainer, as teeth naturally want to return to their original positions. The amount of shifting that occurs varies per person but is largely preventable by properly wearing a retainer.

Retainer Types And Use

Retainer Types And Use

After braces most people receive a removable plastic retainer or fixed wire retainer on the inside of the teeth. Removable retainers should be worn full-time for 6-12 months, then nightly. Fixed retainers are permanent and require care when brushing and flossing around them.

Post-Braces Removal Care

Proper oral hygiene is crucial after braces removal to prevent tooth decay or staining. Brush thoroughly 2-3 times per day, floss daily, avoid overly staining foods/drinks, and wear your retainer as directed. Regular dental cleanings every 6 months are also recommended. Following your orthodontist’s recommendations will help your smile stay beautiful for years.

Maintain My Straight Teeth After Braces Removal

After your braces are removed, you’ll be given a custom retainer to wear in order to keep your teeth from shifting back to their original position. Consistently wearing your retainer as directed, usually full-time at first and then nightly long-term, is crucial for retaining your straight smile. You should also continue practicing good oral hygiene and schedule regular dental cleanings and checkups to monitor your teeth.

How Often Should I Wear My Retainer?

Initially you’ll need to wear your retainer full-time, except when eating or cleaning them. After the first 6 months or so, your orthodontist will likely transition you to nightly wear. Be diligent about wearing your retainer at night as prescribed or else your teeth may shift and require re-treatment. Occasional daytime wear may also help.

Foods And Habits Can Cause Teeth To Shift

Avoid hard, sticky, and chewy foods which can damage retainers and loosen teeth. Clenching or grinding your teeth also applies excess force. And habits like nail biting or chewing on pens can shift front teeth. Stay away from tobacco as well since it stains teeth and increases oral health risks.

Teeth Whitening After Braces Removal

Teeth whitening after braces helps remove stains accumulated during treatment. Get any whitening procedures done before receiving new retainers since they’ll need to match your new shade. Over-the-counter whitening strips are an affordable option, or ask your orthodontist about in-office whitening.

Come Back For A Follow-Up Appointment

Most orthodontists schedule a follow-up visit around 4-6 weeks after braces removal to check your retainers’ fit, examine tooth positions, and address any issues with shifting or discomfort. Expect to come in at regular intervals after that, often every 6 months, to evaluate your retainers and teeth. Annual visits are then common long-term.

Frequently Asked Question

How Much Does It Cost On Average?

The average cost is $75 to $350.

What Factors Affect The Price?

The type and complexity of braces, extra services needed, orthodontist fees, and your location.

Is It Covered By Insurance?

Sometimes, but often only 50% is covered. Check your dental insurance plan.

Does My Orthodontist Offer Payment Plans?

Many do offer monthly payment plans to help manage costs.

Can I Negotiate Or Find Discounts?

It doesn’t hurt to politely ask if any discounts or flexible payment options are available.


The cost to get braces removed typically ranges from $75 to $350 on average. However, prices can vary widely depending on factors like the complexity of treatment, location of the orthodontist, and need for additional procedures.

In general, brace removal may be a separate cost from overall orthodontic treatment. Understanding the potential expenses involved and discussing costs upfront with your orthodontist is important for financial planning. 

Costs could include impressions for retainers and follow-up adjustment appointments to ensure proper results are maintained. When budgeting for brace removal, consult with your dental insurance provider as policies differ in coverage. In the end, paying the removal fee ensures professional care to preserve your new smile.

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