How To Put Dentures In Mouth?

Dentures are removable replacements for missing teeth. They are made of plastic or acrylic and fit over the gums to replace some or all of the teeth. Dentures require proper care and handling to keep them fitting well.

Putting dentures in your mouth can feel strange at first. With some practice, it becomes second nature. The key things to remember are to have very clean hands, rinse your mouth out first, apply adhesive if needed, and press the dentures gently but firmly into place. Bite down lightly to secure them before eating or drinking.

Learning how to properly insert and remove dentures takes patience. But with the right techniques, dentures can restore your smile and ability to eat. Focus on getting used to having them in your mouth before tackling more advanced functions like chewing and speaking. Be diligent about daily denture care too. With time and practice, wearing dentures will start to feel normal.

What are dentures and why do you need to put them in your mouth?

Dentures are removable dental appliances that replace missing teeth. They are made of acrylic resin and sometimes porcelain teeth, and fit over the gums to replace missing teeth. Dentures help restore your smile, make it easier to eat and speak, fill out facial appearance, and support facial muscles that can sag when teeth are missing. They are needed when people lose some or all of their natural teeth.

What are complete dentures?

Complete dentures replace all teeth in an arch and rest on the gums. They are held in place by suction and require an adjustment period to get used to. Complete denture wearers still need to practice good oral hygiene by brushing gums, tongue and roof of mouth daily.

What are partial dentures?

Proper care, including regular brushing and flossing, is necessary not only for the partial dentures themselves but also for the well-being of the natural teeth involved. Taking steps to make partial dentures fit better contributes significantly to the overall effectiveness and comfort of the dental restoration.

Why is properly placing dentures important?

A good, comfortable fit is essential for dentures. Ill-fitting dentures can rub gums, causing irritation and sores. They may require adjustment over time as mouth anatomy changes. Avoiding tough foods also minimizes pressure on gums. Properly fitted, comfortable dentures supported by healthy gums will provide better function.

How should you prepare before putting in new dentures?

Before getting dentures, prepare financially for the costs, prepare your attitude to have a positive mindset, and prepare physically by choosing soft foods to eat during the adjustment period. Also prepare socially by informing friends and family about the timeline for healing and adjustment.

How should you clean new dentures before first use?

New dentures should be thoroughly cleaned before first use by gently brushing with a soft brush and non-abrasive toothpaste, or using specialized denture cleaning solutions. This removes any remaining laboratory materials or residues from the manufacturing process.

What adjustments may be needed for a proper denture fit?

Adjustments that may be needed for proper denture fit include relieving areas causing irritation or inflammation through selective grinding, improving retention by tightening a loose fit, and realigning the bite by selective grinding if the bite feels off.

How long does it take to adjust to new dentures?

5 short sentences using the keyword phrase “How long does it take to adjust to new dentures?”:

  • Most dentists say it takes about 30 days to fully adjust to wearing new dentures.
  • The first 2 weeks with new dentures can be uncomfortable as your mouth gets used to having them.
  • Speaking and eating with new dentures may feel awkward at first, but keep practicing.
  • To help adjust, start with soft foods and do cheek and tongue exercises with your dentures in.
  • If your new dentures are still uncomfortable after 30 days, go back to your dentist for adjustments.

What food should you eat when first wearing new dentures?

When first wearing new dentures, eat soft foods cut into small pieces and chew equally on both sides of the mouth. Avoid biting off food with the front teeth. Add spices and herbs to enhance flavor until fully adjusted to the dentures. Gradually transition to harder foods over time.

Step-by-step guide to inserting dentures

To insert dentures, first thoroughly clean and rinse your mouth. Apply adhesive to the dentures if using. Position the bottom denture first by gently guiding it into place with your tongue and fingers. 

Bite down gently to allow it to fully seat. Next, guide the top denture into position using your tongue, seat it fully by biting down gently, and hold it in place for 30-60 seconds. Avoid excessive lateral or protrusive movements initially. Speak slowly when first wearing new dentures.

How do you correctly position bottom dentures?

To correctly position bottom dentures, tilt your head back slightly and use your tongue to guide the denture into place, pressing it gently against your gums. Allow your tongue to find the indentations and grooves so the denture fits into place. Use your fingers to press the denture firmly and evenly against the gums. Avoid excessive side-to-side motion. Bite down gently to allow it to fully seat.

What is the best technique for inserting top dentures?

The best technique for inserting top dentures is to first ensure the bottom denture is fully seated. Tilt your head back and use your tongue to guide the top denture into position, pressing it gently onto your upper gums. 

The tongue should fit into indentations and grooves in the denture. Use your fingers to apply even pressure as needed. Bite down gently, hold for 30-60 seconds, then relax your jaw. Avoid excessive chewing motions initially.

How can denture adhesive help secure dentures?

How can denture adhesive help secure dentures?

Denture adhesive can help secure loose dentures by creating a stronger seal and suction between the dentures and gums. Adhesive fills in gaps between the dentures and gums. As the adhesive sets, it adheres firmly to the dentures and gums, helping hold them tightly in place. Reapplying adhesive throughout the day may be needed for optimal denture retention and comfort.

What should you avoid when first wearing new dentures?

What to Avoid with New DenturesReason
Avoid sticky, chewy, or hard foods at firstNew dentures need time to settle and bond before chewing more difficult foods
Don’t use denture adhesives right awayAdhesives may interfere with the settling process
Avoid sleeping with dentures inRemoving dentures at night gives your gums a break to heal
Don’t try to chew too much at onceStart slowly with soft foods cut into small pieces to get used to chewing with dentures
Don’t wear dentures constantly at firstYour gums need some denture-free time to toughen up
Avoid putting off needed adjustmentsSee your dentist promptly if your dentures are uncomfortable

The sources provide information about dental implants and zirconia crowns, but do not contain relevant information to answer the specific question about what to avoid when first wearing new dentures. I summarized some common recommendations for new denture wearers in the table.

Caring for dentures once they are in your mouth

It is important to clean dentures daily by rinsing them after meals. Use a soft-bristle toothbrush and non-abrasive denture cleaner to gently brush all surfaces of the dentures to remove food debris and plaque. Dentures should also be removed and soaked in denture cleaning solution for 20-30 minutes per day. This helps sanitize the dentures and remove stains.

How should you clean dentures daily?

Dentures should be cleaned twice per day just like natural teeth. Rinse dentures after eating to remove loose food debris. Then use a soft toothbrush and non-abrasive paste to gently scrub the denture surfaces – inside and out – over a sink filled with water. Be careful not to scrub too hard on the plastic. Finally, soak dentures for 20-30 minutes in denture cleaning solution.

When do dentures need to be removed and soaked?

Dentures should be removed and soaked in denture cleaning solution for 20-30 minutes once per day. It is best to develop a routine and soak them at the same time daily. Dentures should always be removed at night while sleeping. Do not sleep with dentures in place, as this can irritate gums.

How can you store dentures overnight?

Dentures must be stored in water or denture cleaning solution overnight while sleeping. Storing in water helps retain shape and prevent warping. Rinse dentures before placing them into clean storage container filled with water or solution. Some people use denture cups. Dentures should never be stored dry overnight. Always keep them hydrated.

Frequently Asked Question

How do I position my bottom dentures correctly?

Use your tongue to guide the bottom denture into place, pressing it gently onto your lower gums.

What helps secure top dentures when first inserting them?

Bite down gently on the top denture for 30-60 seconds to allow it to fully seat against your upper gums.

Should I use denture adhesive when first wearing new dentures?

Avoid using denture adhesives initially so you can identify any problem areas needing adjustment.

What food should be avoided when starting to wear new dentures?

Avoid hard, crunchy, or sticky foods at first which could dislodge the new dentures.

How often should dentures be cleaned?

Dentures should be brushed thoroughly at least two times per day to keep them clean.


Getting used to dentures takes time and practice. Be patient with yourself as you learn to insert, remove, and care for your new dentures properly. Always clean dentures thoroughly before inserting them into your mouth to prevent infection.

To insert dentures, start by lining up the teeth with your existing teeth. Then use your tongue and fingers to press the dentures into place gently. Be sure they fit snugly against your gums all around. Over time, inserting your dentures will become second nature. Don’t hesitate to ask your dentist for help until you get the hang of it. Proper care and handling is key for successful denture use.

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