How To Remove Tartar From Dentures At Home?

Tartar, also known as calculus, is a form of hardened dental plaque that builds up on teeth and dentures over time. Removing tartar helps prevent gum disease and infection. Tartar must be professionally removed by a dentist or hygienist, but light tartar can be removed at home between dental visits with some simple methods.

How to Remove Tartar from Dentures at Home? While regular dental cleanings fully remove tartar from dentures, you can help keep your dentures tartar-free between appointments. Learning proper at-home cleaning allows you to remove minor tartar buildup yourself.

Though dentists should fully clean dentures every 6 months, you can use daily soaking and brushing to prevent excessive tartar accumulation between visits. Using an effervescent tablet or non-abrasive denture cleaner daily will help lift tartar over time when paired with diligent brushing of denture surfaces. Be gentle when scrubbing to avoid damaging the delicate acrylic. With some simple daily cleaning steps, your dentures can stay fresher between professional cleanings.

Why Remove Tartar

It is important to remove tartar regularly to prevent gum inflammation, bad breath, and other oral health issues. Tartar is a hardened form of plaque that can lead to these problems if not promptly removed.

Causes Of Tartar

Tartar forms when plaque, a sticky film of bacteria, mixes with minerals in saliva and adheres to the denture surface. Lack of proper cleaning allows plaque to accumulate and harden into tartar over time.

Effects Of Tartar

Tartar buildup causes stains, bad breath, and provides an environment for more plaque to accumulate. It can also irritate gums and cause inflammation or infection if bacteria proliferate under tartar deposits.

Problems From Tartar

Leaving tartar on dentures can lead to gum disease, oral infections, bad breath, and decreased denture retention over time as gums recede. It also causes embarrassment and prevents you from smiling confidently.

Tartar should be scrubbed off regularly before it accumulates extensively or causes major problems. Daily cleaning with a denture brush and weekly soaking can prevent tartar adherence.

Home Remedies Can Remove Tartar From Dentures

Some effective home remedies to remove tartar from dentures include using a solution of equal parts white vinegar and warm water. Soak dentures in this for 15-20 minutes, then scrub with a denture brush. Baking soda mixed with water into a paste can also help brush away tartar when gently scrubbed on dentures. 

Baking Soda To Clean Dentures Of Tartar At Home

Yes, baking soda is an effective home remedy for cleaning tartar off dentures. Mix baking soda with some water to make a paste, apply it to the dentures, Remove Tartar From False Teeth and gently scrub with a soft brush. The mild abrasiveness helps remove plaque and tartar without damaging the dentures. It’s an easy, affordable way to tackle tartar buildup at home. 

Will Vinegar Help Remove Tartar From Dentures At Home?

 5 step guide for using vinegar to remove tartar from dentures at home:

  • Mix equal parts white vinegar and warm water in a container.
  • Submerge dentures in vinegar solution for 15-20 minutes. This softens tartar.
  • Remove dentures and gently brush with a soft denture brush to dislodge loosened tartar.
  • Rinse dentures thoroughly under warm running water.
  • Repeat daily as needed, but limit vinegar soaks to avoid damaging dentures over time. See your dentist regularly for deep cleanings.

Can You Use Lemon Juice To Remove Tartar From Dentures?

No, lemon juice is not recommended for cleaning tartar off dentures. While the acidity can help dissolve deposits, it can also damage and corrode denture materials over time or cause stains. It’s best to avoid using citrus juices and instead use solutions specifically intended for dentures like vinegar or baking soda. 

What Household Items Work To Remove Tartar From Dentures?

Some common household items that can effectively remove tartar from dentures include white vinegar, baking soda, denture cleaning tablets, salt water, and mild dish soap. The key is using non-abrasive solutions that will break down tartar without scratching or wearing down the dentures. Gentle scrubbing helps remove deposits once they’ve been dissolved. 

Use Baking Soda To Remove Tartar From Dentures

Use Baking Soda To Remove Tartar From Dentures

To use baking soda to remove tartar from dentures, mix 2 tablespoons of baking soda into a glass of water until dissolved. Then soak the dentures overnight in the baking soda solution. The next day, remove the dentures and rinse them thoroughly before placing them back into the mouth. The baking soda will help break down and remove tartar and stains.

How Much Baking Soda Should You Use To Clean Dentures Of Tartar?

To clean dentures of tartar using baking soda, mix 2 tablespoons of baking soda with water in a glass until dissolved. This amount provides an effective concentration to help break down tartar while being gentle on dentures. Using more than 2 tablespoons may be too abrasive.

What Is The Baking Soda And Water Ratio For Cleaning Dentures?

The recommended baking soda and water ratio for soaking dentures is 2 tablespoons of baking soda dissolved into a glass of water. This provides enough baking soda to be effective at cleaning tartar from the dentures without being overly concentrated or abrasive on the denture material.

How Long Should You Soak Dentures In Baking Soda?

Dentures should be soaked in a baking soda solution overnight, or for at least 8 hours, to allow ample time for the baking soda to break down tartar. Overnight soaking provides the most effective tartar removal. After soaking, rinse the dentures thoroughly before placing them back into the mouth.

Does Brushing With Baking Soda Help With Denture Tartar?

Gently brushing dentures with baking soda can help remove tartar and stains. Make a paste with baking soda and water, apply it to the dentures with a soft bristle toothbrush, and gently brush all surfaces focusing on any tartar buildup. Rinse thoroughly when finished brushing. Brushing helps dislodge tartar loosened by a baking soda soak.

Best Way To Remove Stubborn Tartar From Dentures

The most effective method for removing stubborn tartar from dentures is to soak them in a solution of equal parts white vinegar and warm water for 15-20 minutes. The acetic acid in the vinegar helps dissolve tartar buildup. After soaking, use a soft-bristled denture brush and gently scrub the dentures, paying close attention to crevices and hard to reach areas where tartar accumulates. Rinsing under warm water can help remove any remaining loosened tartar.

Can You Use Denture Cleaning Tablets To Remove Tartar Buildup?

Denture cleaning tablets can help remove some tartar from dentures through the cleaning and disinfecting process. However, denture tablets alone may not fully remove stubborn tartar deposits. Combining denture tablets with periodic soaking in white vinegar can boost tartar removal. Always follow directions on any store-bought denture cleaning products.

Do Denture Brushes Help Scrub Off Tartar From Dentures?

Denture brushes are useful for mechanically scrubbing tartar off dentures. Choose a soft-bristled denture-specific brush to avoid damaging the denture surface while dislodging plaque and tartar. Gently scrub all surfaces after soaking dentures in cleaning solution. Take care when brushing around clasps and wires.

Should You Use Denture Paste For Tartar Removal?

Denture adhesive pastes are not formulated to remove tartar. They are intended to help secure dentures in the mouth rather than clean them. Using denture paste could make it harder to fully clean tartar from the denture surface. Stick to other methods like vinegar soaks and denture brushes instead.

When Should You See A Dentist For Denture Tartar Removal?

It’s recommended to have a professional dental cleaning at least once per year to remove stubborn tartar from dentures that at-home methods cannot fully address. See your dentist sooner if you notice signs of poor fit, oral irritation, inflammation or infection which can result from excess tartar buildup. A dentist can properly assess denture fit and condition.

Prevent Tartar Buildup On Dentures

You can prevent tartar buildup on dentures by thoroughly cleaning them every day. Remove and gently brush dentures daily, using a soft-bristle brush and non-abrasive denture cleaner. 

Pay extra attention to areas with visible tartar buildup. Also brush your gums, tongue and roof of mouth daily. Soaking dentures in equal parts white vinegar and warm water for 15-20 minutes helps dissolve tartar. Getting professional cleanings every 6-12 months also helps prevent tartar.

How Often Should You Clean Dentures To Prevent Tartar?

Dentures should be cleaned daily to prevent tartar buildup. Tartar is hardened dental plaque that can form on dentures if not removed regularly. Daily cleaning helps disrupt plaque before it calcifies into tartar.

In addition to daily cleaning, here are some other denture cleaning recommendations:

DailyGently brush dentures with a soft brush.
DailyRinse dentures after meals.
WeeklySoak dentures in denture cleaner for 20 minutes.
MonthlySoak dentures overnight in equal parts vinegar and water solution.
Every 6 monthsHave dentures professionally cleaned by a dentist.

Consistently following these denture cleaning methods helps prevent ugly tartar accumulation and keeps dentures fresh. The above table summarizes key cleaning frequency and methods to stop tartar in its tracks.

Best Way To Store Dentures To Avoid Tartar

The best way to store dentures to avoid tartar buildup is to clean them thoroughly before storing. Gently brush with a soft denture brush and non-abrasive cleaner, then rinse well before placing in a secure denture container overnight. Storing unclean dentures allows plaque to develop into stubborn tartar.

Foods Should You Avoid To Prevent Denture Tartar

To prevent denture tartar, avoid sugary and starchy foods like candy, cookies, chips, pasta and bread which can feed plaque-causing bacteria. Acidic foods like citrus, tomatoes and vinegar can also erode dentures over time, enabling tartar to adhere more easily. Minimize coffee, tea, red wine and tobacco as well.

Do Denture Cleaning Solutions Help Prevent Tartar Buildup?

Yes, denture cleaning solutions can effectively help prevent tartar buildup when used properly. Look for non-abrasive cleaners to avoid damaging denture surfaces while still breaking down plaque and tartar. Soaking dentures in cleaner for the recommended time allows it to penetrate and dissolve tartar, making brushing easier.

Frequently Asked Question

What is the best home remedy for removing denture tartar?

Soaking dentures in equal parts white vinegar and warm water for 15-20 minutes helps dissolve tartar.

Should I use my regular toothbrush to scrub tartar off my dentures?

No, use a soft-bristled denture brush to avoid damaging the denture surface while removing tartar.

Can I use baking soda to clean tartar from my dentures?

Yes, making a paste of baking soda and water can help gently scrub away tartar without harming dentures.

How long should I soak dentures in vinegar to remove tartar?

Soak dentures in an equal vinegar and warm water solution for 15-20 minutes to allow the acetic acid to dissolve tartar.

Is it okay to use toothpaste when brushing tartar off dentures?

No, regular toothpastes are too abrasive for denture surfaces – use a non-abrasive denture cleaner instead.


Removing tartar from dentures at home is important to keep them clean. Brush dentures gently every day with a soft brush and non-abrasive cleaner. Pay extra attention to areas with visible tartar buildup. Also, soak dentures in equal parts white vinegar and warm water for 15-20 minutes daily. This helps dissolve tartar. Getting professional cleanings from your dentist every 6-12 months also helps prevent tartar.

You can remove tartar from dentures at home by gently brushing them daily with special denture brushes and non-abrasive cleaners. Make sure to routinely soak dentures in a white vinegar solution as well. This will help break down and remove stubborn tartar. See your dentist regularly for deep cleanings to prevent excessive tartar buildup. Consistently following these denture cleaning methods at home will help keep tartar away.

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