Should You Remove Dentures At Night

Dentures are removable replacements for missing teeth that can be taken out of the mouth. People may wonder if it is better to wear dentures all day and night or take them out at bedtime. There are pros and cons to both options that relate to oral health, comfort, and denture longevity.

Should You Remove Dentures At Night? This is a common question for denture wearers when establishing their wearing routine. Deciding when to keep dentures in or take them out requires weighing factors like preventing bone loss under the dentures, allowing tissues to rest, and keeping dentures from warping over time. Ultimately, the best practice depends on each person’s individual oral condition.

Some dentists advise removing dentures at night to give the gums and bone a chance to be exposed to saliva and air. Allowing these tissues to “breathe” for 6-8 hours while sleeping may promote better circulation and healthier denture bed. However, continuous denture wear can maintain bone stimulation and structure. The ideal routine strikes a balance between the two options.

Remove Dentures At Night

Most dentists recommend removing dentures at night. Keeping dentures in 24/7 puts you at risk for oral thrush and irritation from lack of rest for oral tissues. Overnight, saliva flow decreases allowing plaque to accumulate on dentures and natural teeth, potentially causing decay or gum inflammation if not properly cleaned. 

Removing dentures allows your gums to rest and recover, promoting better long-term health. Some people prefer sleeping with dentures because of discomfort removing them or difficultly eating in the morning without them. This is usually fine temporarily but not recommended long-term. 

If choosing to sleep with dentures in, be sure to brush well before bed and upon waking to prevent plaque buildup leading to health issues. Use denture cleanser too. Discuss your preference with your dentist to decide what’s right for your situation.

What Are The Benefits Of Removing Dentures At Night?

Removing dentures overnight provides significant benefits for your oral health. It allows your gums, tissues and remaining natural teeth to rest from the pressure of dentures, improving blood circulation.

This promotes healing for sore spots and prevents further bone loss over time. Saliva flow also increases without dentures, Remove Tartar From Dentures At Home helping neutralize acids and wash away food debris to prevent plaque accumulation and tooth decay.

Patients typically report their dentures fit better and are more comfortable when left out overnight as swelling decreases. The risk of aspiration if dentures become dislodged while sleeping is also avoided. Overall, giving your mouth a break from dentures approximately 8 hours each night will keep your mouth healthier. 

You’ll decrease your risks for fungal infections, gum irritation and oral hygiene issues. Your dentures may even last longer since they’re not being used round the clock. Just be sure to brush thoroughly and use cleanser before reinserting in the morning.

Risks Of Sleeping With Dentures In

Wearing dentures overnight consistently comes with increased risks to your oral health. Without the natural flushing from saliva while you sleep, plaque and bacteria rapidly build up on denture surfaces. This can lead to dental decay in any remaining natural teeth you still have. It also promotes gum inflammation and candida infections like oral thrush. The constant pressure can cause painful denture sores and irritation too.

Another concern is accidental denture dislodgement while sleeping if you roll over or cough, increasing chances of swallowing or aspirating them. This requires immediate emergency medical care. Sleeping in dentures also accelerates loss of bone structure in the jaw which can permanently affect denture fit and chewing ability over time. They also get less rest and are more prone to cracks and breaks with 24/7 wear.

To avoid these complications, removing dentures nightly provides needed rest for your tissues. Be sure to still brush well in the morning before inserting dentures after the overnight soak to remove bacteria and plaque buildup.

Dentures Affect Your Oral Health If Worn At Night

Wearing dentures overnight negatively impacts oral health in various ways. Saliva flow naturally decreases during sleep, allowing plaque and yeast to rapidly accumulate on denture surfaces and tissues underneath. This plaque buildup puts you at high risk for new cavities, gum inflammation, candida infections and denture stomatitis. 

The constant pressure of dentures at night also irritates gum tissues as they lack any period of rest and recovery. Over time, sleeping with dentures accelerates bone loss in the jaw which can permanently alter denture fit and retention. More frequent denture adjustments and relining then becomes necessary to compensate for decreasing bone support. 

The bone loss also inhibits proper chewing and biting force which are important functions for nutrition and digestive health. Proper food breakdown becomes hindered without this strength and stability.

To prevent these complications, overnight removal provides needed rest for gum tissues and maintains healthy saliva flushing. Be sure to still brush well in the morning before inserting dentures after the soak to remove bacteria. Rinsing with an antiseptic mouthwash is also beneficial before reinsertion.

When Is It Okay To Sleep With Dentures In?

Sleeping with dentures in may be acceptable only on a short-term, temporary basis. This includes the first few nights while adjusting to new dentures when sore spots are common or if attending an overnight event and removal would be impractical. However, long-term overnight wear should always be avoided. 

Without daily removal for proper cleaning and tissue rest, increased risks of infection, irritation, and accelerated bone loss quickly develop. An overnight break each day is crucial for maintaining healthy gum tissues. If choosing to sleep in dentures occasionally, be sure to brush and cleanse thoroughly before bed and upon waking to prevent excessive plaque buildup leading to decay or gum disease. 

See your dentist promptly if sites of irritation, swelling or infection develop which may require medication or denture adjustments for proper healing. The best practice is always to remove dentures nightly and rest your gums unless a temporary situation prevents it. Discuss any problems sleeping without dentures with your dentist for possible solutions to make overnight removal more tolerable and consistent.

Dentists Recommend Removing Dentures Before Bed

Most dentists recommend removing dentures before going to sleep. Removing dentures at night allows the gums to rest from the pressure of dentures, preventing irritation, inflammation and sores. It also allows proper cleaning of the dentures overnight to remove bacteria and food debris.

Dentists Say About Wearing Dentures 24/7

Dentists do not recommend wearing dentures all the time, 24 hours a day. Dentures should be removed daily to allow the gums and oral tissues to rest. Constant denture wearing increases the risk of gum irritation, infection, and oral health issues over time.

Sleeping With Dentures Cause Health Problems

Sleeping with dentures in can cause several health problems. It increases the risk of gum inflammation, irritation, mouth sores, and bacterial infection. Studies show it also increases the chances of developing pneumonia while sleeping.

Should Tight-Fitting Dentures Be Taken Out For Sleep?

Yes, tight-fitting dentures should always be removed before sleep. Ill-fitting dentures put excess pressure on the gums which can lead to severe irritation, inflammation and mouth sores if worn continuously. Removing them allows the tissues to heal overnight.

Are There Exceptions For Leaving Dentures In Overnight?

In some cases, dentists may recommend leaving new dentures in for the first few nights as the patient adjusts. However, this is temporary. After adjustment, dentures should be removed daily before sleep to maintain gum health. Permanent dentures still need daily removal as they are harder to clean.

Properly Care For My Dentures Overnight

Properly Care For My Dentures Overnight

You should clean your dentures thoroughly before bed by brushing them with a non-abrasive denture cleaner, not toothpaste. After brushing, soak them overnight in either clean water or a denture-cleaning solution specifically made to keep dentures sterile. Soaking overnight helps preserve the shape and integrity of the dentures.

What Is The Best Way To Clean Dentures Before Bed?

The best way is to gently brush them with a soft denture brush and non-abrasive paste. Be sure to carefully brush all surfaces to remove food debris. Then rinse under cool water before soaking them for the night.

Where Should I Store My Dentures While Sleeping?

Dentures should be stored overnight in a denture-cleaning solution or in clean water in a covered container. Storing them dry can cause them to lose their shape. Do not store them in bleach or other harsh cleaners as this can damage them.

Cleaning Solutions Keep Dentures Sterile Overnight

Specialized denture-cleaning solutions containing antimicrobial ingredients will keep dentures sterile overnight. These solutions are made specifically for soaking and storing dentures. Some popular options are Polident and Efferdent.

Can I Soak Dentures In Water Overnight?

You can soak dentures overnight in clean water. This will help keep them moist and maintain their shape. However, soaking them in a proper denture-cleaning solution is better for keeping them sterile and preventing bacterial growth. Be sure to rinse the dentures thoroughly before placing them back in your mouth in the morning.

What Are Signs That Dentures Should Be Removed At Night?

There are several signs indicating dentures should be removed at night, including sore, red, or swollen gums from the constant pressure of wearing dentures; increased chances of developing pneumonia from bacteria growth; plaque buildup and inflammation on the dentures from lack of cleaning; and discomfort or irritation preventing a good night’s sleep.

Do Loose Dentures Need To Be Taken Out For Sleep?

Yes, loose dentures should be removed before sleep to allow the gums and mouth to rest. The movement of loose dentures can cause unnecessary friction and irritation. Removing loose dentures allows proper circulation and healing of the gums overnight.

Could Uncomfortable Dentures Mean Nighttime Removal?

Yes, if dentures are causing discomfort, inflammation, or preventing sleep, they should be removed at night. This allows the mouth to rest and heal, avoiding further irritation. Gradually wearing dentures more during the day can help adjust to full-time wear.

Can Irritated Gums Be A Sign To Remove Dentures Before Bed?

Yes, red, swollen, or irritated gums are a clear sign that dentures should be removed before bed to allow the gums to heal and rest overnight without pressure. Leaving dentures in with irritated gums can lead to sores and further inflammation.

Do Dentures Ever Need To Stay In All Night?

In some cases dentures may need to stay in all night, such as upon initial getting dentures, if advised by a dental professional. However, generally it is recommended to remove dentures before sleep to properly clean the mouth and dentures, allow gums to rest, and avoid irritation or health issues associated with wearing dentures constantly.

Adjust To Removing Dentures At Night

It can take some time to adjust to removing your dentures before bed. Be patient with yourself as you get used to the feeling of not having them in overnight. Make sure to properly clean and soak your dentures before bed to help preserve them. You may experience some discomfort at first, but this should improve within a couple weeks.

How To Ease The Transition To No Nighttime Dentures?

Go slowly at first, removing your dentures for short periods during the day to help you adjust. Try a denture adhesive if needed for extra comfort and stability as you transition. Sleep propped up on pillows to minimize discomfort. And talk to your dentist if you’re having significant issues.

Tips For Getting Used To Dentureless Sleep?

Sleep with a cool mist humidifier to prevent mouth dryness. Use an extra pillow to prop up your head to minimize discomfort. Try placing a soft cloth between your gums and cheeks to ease the feeling of space from having no dentures in. And allow yourself time to adjust – it can take weeks to get fully comfortable.

What Helps With Initial Discomfort From Nightly Denture Removal?

Rinsing your mouth with a saltwater solution can temporarily numb discomfort. Taking OTC pain medication like ibuprofen an hour before bed may also help in the short term. Using dental wax or an oral anesthetic gel on areas of irritation can provide relief. And be sure to keep your gums and mouth moisturized.

How Long Does It Take To Adjust To No Nighttime Dentures?

It usually takes around 2-4 weeks to fully adjust to not wearing your dentures at night. But some people adjust more quickly, while others take longer. Factors like the quality of your remaining teeth and gums impact comfort. Stay diligent with cleaning and care, and talk to your dentist if you have ongoing issues with discomfort after 1 month.

Frequently Asked Question

Is It Necessary To Remove Dentures At Night?

Yes, removing dentures at night allows your gums to rest and promotes better oral health.

What If My Dentures Are Uncomfortable To Remove And Insert Daily?

Discuss options with your dentist like denture adhesive or getting adjusted to the initial discomfort through persistence.

Can’t I Just Brush My Dentures Well Instead Of Removing Them?

No, brushing alone isn’t enough since your gums need rest from pressure and rubbing to stay healthy.

What’s The Downside If I Sleep Wearing Dentures Every Night?

Sleeping in dentures increases your risk for fungal infections, decay, and bone loss affecting long-term fit.

Should Tight, Irritating Dentures Be Worn Overnight?

No, any sore spots or tight-fitting dentures should be adjusted by your dentist for proper nighttime removal.


Overall, the evidence clearly shows that you should remove dentures at night. Multiple health benefits exist for giving your gums and mouth extended rest periods without dentures. Studies show higher risks for gum inflammation, infection, and even pneumonia for those wearing dentures 24/7.

Dentures should be removed every night before sleep and soaked in cleaning solution. This allows proper circulation and healing for the gums overnight. It also prevents plaque buildup and bacteria growth on the dentures. Exceptions may occur for new denture wearers adjusting initially, but in general dentures should be taken out at night.

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